One-click initialization
- Enter Imaging System Parameters
- Select Control Programs
- Initialize and Characterize
- Reusable System Profiles for Multiple Configurations
- Heuristics used for Accurate Session Planning Times
Application independence
- Camera Control via CCDSoft, MaximDL and via TheSkyX and TheSky64 Camera Add On (Professional Edition)
- External Guiding via PhD2
- Telescope Control via TheSky6 Pro, TheSKyX Pro, TheSky 64-bit or ASCOM
- Focus Control via CCDSoft @Focus2, @Focus3, FocusMax or PlaneWave AutoFocus
- Rotator Support for ASCOM, RCOS PIR, Astrodon TAKometer or via TheSkyX
- Dome Control Support for ASCOM,including Pier-Tech’s AOCS, AutomaDome and Digital Dome Works
- Dome Control Support for ASCOM,including Pier-Tech’s AOCS, AutomaDome and Digital Dome Works
- Artificial light source support for flat fields. Integrated support for the Flip-Flat/FlatMan
- Supports Good Night System (GNS) for status reporting to smart phone
Plate solving support
- Support for TheSkyX, TheSky6/CCDSoftV5 WCS Astrometry and PinPoint
- User Definable Catalogs and Expansion
- User Definable Sub Frames, Filter, Exposure Time and Bin Mode
Boltwood cloud sensor support
- User selectable options for cloudy conditions
- Auto-resume on clear condition
- Now with network Support
- Full multi-threaded operation to provide fast response to changing weather
Telescope pointing corrector support
- Software Bisque T-Point
- Diffraction Limited MaxPoint
Comprehensive support system
- Context Sensitive Help Files
- Tooltip Suggestions for Controls
- Automatic Web Update for New Features
- Online Help in Web and Pdf format
- Support Forum
Target selection features:
Flexible target input
- Enter Target Name, RA, DEC, and PA Manually
- Retrieve Target RA DEC and PA from FITS Files
Integration with TheSkyX, TheSky64 and TheSky6
- Add Targets from TheSkyX/TheSky64/TheSky6 Database
- Retrieve Target RA, DEC, and PA from TheSkyX/TheSky6 FOVI
Target management
- Slew to Any Target in the Target List
- Edit Target Information
- User Selectable Target Start Times
- Precision Slew with optional user-specified tolerance
- Session Start Time Can be Based Either on a Specific Start time or a Time Relative to Sunset
Target information
- View Rise, Set and Transit Information for Any Target
- User Definable Altitude Display for Object Start and Stop Times
- Moon Rise and Set Times
- Sun Set and Rise Times
Multiple target features:
Multiple target import & export
- Import Targets from CCDNavigator
- Import Targets from CSV Text Files
- Import Starry Night Observation Plans
- Export Target Lists to CSV text files
Target List Management
- Sort Targets by Name, RA and DEC
- Move Targets Up and Down in Target Lists
- Specify Optional Start Time for Each Target
- De-Activate Targets for Imaging Runs
- Options are provided to either turn off tracking or park the telescope during idle periods between targets
Reusable target lists
- Save and Load Target Lists
- Share Target Lists with Other Imagers
- Target Lists Contain Name, RA, DEC, PA, Start Times and Light Exposures for Each
- Target in the List as well as calibration frames
- Setup Mosaics in TheSkyX/TheSky64/TheSky6 Using the Mosaic Feature
- Mosaics can be of Unlimited Size
- User Definable Overlap
- User Definable PA
Mosaic wizard
- Import Mosaics from TheSkyX/TheSky64/TheSky6 as Targets
- User Definable Light Frames Across all Panels
- Select to Image All Panels or Portions of Mosaics
- Save and Load Mosaics
Light frame exposure features:
User defined light series
- Templates for easy data input
- Up to Eight Light Series per Target
- Repeat Light Series for Each Target
- User Definable Guide Exposure Delay
- Optionally Focus Before Each Light Series
- User Definable Number of Exposures, Filter, Bin Mode and Exposure Time for Each Light Series
- Accurately Predict Light Frames Session Time
- Compare to Target Ephemerides
Exposure management
- Light Exposures Placed in User Defined Sub-directories
- Default File Names Generated Automatically Including Target Name, PA, Side of Meridian, Filter, Bin Mode and Exposure Length
Multiple target exposure management
- Drop Down Box to Select Target To Assign Exposures
- All Targets can have any Combination of Exposures
- Update Any Targets Light Exposures
- Apply a User Definable Light Exposures to All Targets with One Click
- Saved Targets Lists Contains all Light Exposures Information for all Targets
- Save, Load and Share Target Lists
Mosaic exposures
- Define a Light Series for All Panels of Mosaic with One Click
- Choose to Image Only One Filter or Multi Filters for All Panels
- Image Separate Color Channels on Different Nights for Best Color Balance
- Save, Load and Share Mosaic Target Lists
Dark frame and bias frame features:
User defined dark and bias frames
- Templates for easy data input
- Up to Eight Dark and Bias Series per Evening
Repeat Dark and Bias Series - User Definable Number of Exposures, Filter, Bin Mode and Exposure Time for Each Dark Series
- User Definable Number of Exposures, Filter, and Bin Mode for Each Bias Series
Accurately Predict Dark and Bias Run Times
Dark and bias options
- User Definable Filter for Cameras with Shutters
- Programmable Flush Series to Eliminate Residual Charge in CCD Camera
- Take Dark and Bias Frames Before or After Light Frames
- Take Dark and Bias Frames Before AND After Light Frames
- Take Dark and Bias Frames Immediately
Flat frame features:
User defined flat frames
- Templates for easy data input
- Up to Eight Flat Series per Imaging Session
- User Definable Number of Exposures, Filter, Bin Mode, Target ADU, Description and Position Angle for Each Flat Series
- Take Dusk or Dawn Flats or Both
- Take Flats at Dawn Time with Artificial Light Sources
- Take Flats immediately
Flat frame options
- Telescope Tracking can be Enabled or Disabled While Taking Flats
- For Tracked Flat Frames, Optional Dithering can be Activated to Eliminate Stars in Master Flats
- Minimum and Maximum Exposure Limits
- Automatically Selects Best Spot in Sky for Flats
- Optional User Definable Alt, Az for Telescope Pointing
- User Definable Sun Altitudes for Dusk and Dawn Flats
Automatic Light / Dark Frame Abort to Ensure Flat Frames are Taken
Rotator support
- Enter Position Angles for Each Flat Series
- Enter Absolute Rotator Position for Each Flat Series
Automatic ADU calculations
- Define ADU Level for Flat Frames
- Bias is Automatically Calculated and Added to Target ADU
- Optional User Definable Bias Pedestal
- Optimized ADU Calculation Algorithm to Maximize Exposure Time and Amount of Flats
Startup options
- Open Dome on Start Up
- Turn Imager and Guider Cooler On at User Definable Time and Temperature
- Run an External Program or Script
Options after light exposures
- Park Telescope
- Turn Off Telescope Tracking
- Close Dome
- Run an External Program or Script
Shut down options
- Abort Light and Dark Frames at Twilight
- Re-Park Telescope After Flat Frames
- Turn Telescope Tracking Off After Flat Frames
- Close Dome after Flat Frames
- Warm Up Imager and Guider Cooler
- Run an External Program or Script
Image Management
- Specify Starting Image Number for Session
- Select a Root Folder for All Exposures
- Templates for file names
- Customize folder for data and calibration frames
- Optional Auto Generation of Sub Folders Based on Date, Target Name
- Organization of Logs, System and Target Profiles and Failed Plate Solves for Analysis
Setup review
- User Friendly Warnings for Questionable Settings
- Review Complete Hardware and Software Setup
- Review All Session Options on One Screen
Session review
- Review All Session Options on One Screen
- Review Light Frames, Dark and Bias Frames, Flat Frames
- Review Path and File Names
- Estimated Times Provided for Sessions
Status dialog
- Provides Session Time Estimates including Start and End Times, Next Focus, Meridian Flip Timing, and Sunrise
- Indicates Current Target Information including Current Altitude and Transit Times
- Shows Focus Information including HFD in Arc-Seconds, Focuser Position and Temperature at Last Focus
- Indicates Current Light Series, Exposure, Filter, Bin Mode and Exposure Time with Progress Bar
Comprehensive logging
- Indicates all Session Actions with Time Stamp
- Saves Log File After Each Action
- Saves Log Files in User Definable Directory
- Calculates Extinction Corrected Color Combine Ratio for Targets in Run
Session options
- Pause and Resume Sessions Between Exposures
- Abort Sessions in Progress
- Email/Text Message Notification of Key Events
Control file
- Control CCDAutoPilot via External Programs
- Start, Pause, Resume, Abort
- Select Notification Options
- Send Specific Messages via CCDAutoPilot Notification System
- Close integration with m1OASYS Observatory Automation System
Guiding methods
- Self Guided Camera
- Off Axis Guider
- External Guide Scope
- Unguided Imaging
- Can mix guided and unguided targets in the same session.
Predictive auto guiding
- After System Initialization There is No Need for Guider Recalibration Night After Night
- Predicts Best Guiding Options at Any Location in the Sky
- Works with Rotators at Any Angle
- Supports Manual Rotation of Camera without re-initialization.
- Automatic Guide Star Selection in the guider’s FOV
- Automatic Guide Star Exposure
Automatic guide star retrieval
- Guarantees Guide Star Stays on Guide Chip
- User Definable Guide Cycles Before AGSR Activates
- Re-centers Object when Guide Star Not Detected
- Optional Audible Alarm
Fully automated meridian flips
- Supports Systems With and Without Rotators
- Flips German Equatorial Mount When Object Transits
- Optional Rotates Camera 180 Degrees
- Optional Telescope Sync After Meridian Flip
- Automatic Guide Star Selection After Meridian Flip
- Optional Focus After Meridian Flip
- User Definable Flip Delay
- Optional Abort Target at Meridian (with programmable delay to track past meridian)
- User Definable Dithering Amount Between Exposures
- Suggests dithering, based on system parameters
- Enhanced or Random Dithering
- Intelligent Exposure Restart Allowing Dither to complete and Auto-Guiding to Reach User Definable Threshold
Guided imaging options
- Enhanced or Random Dithering
- User Definable Guide Exposures for Each Filter
- User Definable AO Guide Box Size
- User Definable Guide Window Size
- Optional Guider running through filter changes for photometry
Unguided imaging options
- Enhanced or Random Dithering via Telescope Moves
- Suggests dithering based on system parameters
- Realign Object at a User Definable Time Periods
Focus methods
- SkyStar Off-target Focusing Technology
- Focus on Brightest Star in Field of View
- Focus on a Star Located at X, Y in FOV
- Support for FocusMax AcquireStar
- Support for @Focus2 and @Focus3
- Support for Maxim Focusing
Focus options
- Support for Temperature Compensation
- User Definable Minimum Altitude for Focusing
- Periodic Focus at User Definable Timing
- Periodic Focus upon user definable temperature change
- Focus Through Fixed Filter for Parafocal Filters
- User Definable Focus Offsets for Each Filter
- FocusMax Exposure Times for Each Filter
- Support for Up to 10 Filters
- Focus at Session Start
- Focus Immediately
SkyStar focusing
- Off -Target Focusing for Best Results
- Stops AutoGuider
- Finds Suitable Focus Star Outside FOV
- Provides On-Axis Focusing for Best Performance
- Slews Back to Target and Corrects Slew
- Re-acquires Guide Star and Restarts Guiding
- Allows Plate solving with a Filter other than the Filter You use for Focusing
RGB ratio calculator
- One-Click G2V Ratio Measurement
- Select Filters
- Automatic G2V star selection with TheSkyX or TheSky64
- Manual G2V star selection with ASCOM or TheSkyX or TheSky64
- Extinction-corrected flux and ratio measurement
Filter focus offset measurement
- Select Reference Filter
- Set Number of Measurements
- Offsets automatically entered
Sub-Exposure Calculator
- One-click camera gain measurement
- One-Click camera read noise measurement
- One-click sky glow measurement
- Calculate sub-exposure duration
- Determine camera operating temperature, number of dark frames
Guider calculator
- Enter Maximum Error
- Enter Maximum Allowable Movement
- Calculates Minimum and Maximum Move
- One-Click Entry for Maxim Camera Relays and MicroGuide
- One-Click Entry for CCDSoft Camera Relays and DirectGuide
Test buttons
- Telescope Park Test
- Rotator Movement Test
- Dome Movement Test
- Dome Shutter Open and Close Test
- Guider Alarm Test
- Telescope Tracking On and Off Tests
- Email Test