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Calibration Frames Exposure Series
Dusk Flats and Dawn Flats
The Series columns will change, depending on what Flat Light Source is used.
Sky as Flat Light Source (twilight or sky flats)

Series: When checked, the series is enabled. When not checked, the series is skipped and the remainder of the fields for the series are grayed out as a visual reminder.
Number: This is the number of exposures that will be taken for a given series.
Filter: When using a filter wheel, this defines the filter to be used for the series exposure(s). When a filter wheel is not present, this entry will not be present.
Binning: This is the binning to be used for the series exposure(s).
Target ADU: This is target ADU level CCDAutoPilot will try to achieve by adjusting the exposure between minimum and maximum exposure settings from the Preference page, Flat Settings tab.
Rotation Angle: Depending on the Rotation Type selection, this will be either a position angle or a rotator position at which you want to take your flats.
Rotation Type: If you are trying to match light frames taken on each side of the meridian with an equatorial mount, select either PA East or PA West to match your light frames. Select Rotator to use the absolute rotator position. Select None and the rotator position will be ignored.
Description: You can enter a custom description here. If the description field on any series on the Session page is not blank, then the file name will be defined by that Description, followed by a 5 digit sequence number, followed by a file type extension, typically .fit. If the description field is blank, the default file naming convention defined on the Settings page, File Settings tab will take effect. See the File Setting topic for additional information.
Running a program or script after each exposure
It is possible to run a program or script after each exposure. This is enabled by appending '@' followed directly (no spaces) by the program or script file name to the Description entry (if any). The program or script file (not shortcut) must be located in (My) Documents\CCDWare\CCDAutoPilot5\Scripts\. This is a synchronous event. In other words, the session will not proceed until the program or script completes and returns control to CCDAutoPilot. The program or script name should be at the end of any other description, if present, or by itself if no other description is entered, but always preceded by the '@' symbol. This should be at the end of the Description field. Note the '@' symbol should not be part of the program or script name as this is an invalid character for a windows file. The program or script to be run will be shown in the Session Summary on the Run page and the execution of the program or script will be logged.
FlipFlat/FlatMan as Light Source

Series: When checked, the series is enabled. When not checked, the series is skipped and the remainder of the fields for the series are grayed out as a visual reminder.
Number: This is the number of exposures that will be taken for a given series.
Filter: When using a filter wheel, this defines the filter to be used for the series exposure(s). When a filter wheel is not present, this entry will not be present.
Binning: This is the binning to be used for the series exposure(s).
Light Source Brightness: This sets the FlipFlat/FlatMan brightness level. The value should be between 0 and 255. It should be chosen so that an exposure between the minimum and maximum exposure settings from the Preference page, Flat Settings tab, results in the Target ADU. Once determined, save these settings as a Template to make future flat settings easier.
Rotation Angle: Depending on the Rotation Type selection, this will be either a position angle or a rotator position at which you want to take your flats.
Rotation Type: If you are trying to match light frames taken on each side of the meridian with an equatorial mount, select either PA East or PA West to match your light frames. Select Rotator to use the absolute rotator position. Select None and the rotator position will be ignored.
Description: You can enter a custom description here. See the File Setting topic for additional information.
Custom Light Source

Series: When checked, the series is enabled. When not checked, the series is skipped and the remainder of the fields for the series are grayed out as a visual reminder.
Number: This is the number of exposures that will be taken for a given series.
Filter: When using a filter wheel, this defines the filter to be used for the series exposure(s). When a filter wheel is not present, this entry will not be present.
Binning: This is the binning to be used for the series exposure(s).
Rotation Angle: Depending on the Rotation Type selection, this will be either a position angle or a rotator position at which you want to take your flats.
Rotation Type: If you are trying to match light frames taken on each side of the meridian with an equatorial mount, select either PA East or PA West to match your light frames. Select Rotator to use the absolute rotator position. Select None and the rotator position will be ignored.
Description: You can enter a custom description here. See the File Setting topic for additional information.
Dark and Bias Frames

Series: When checked, the series is enabled. When not checked, the series is skipped and the remainder of the fields for the series are grayed out as a visual reminder.
Number: This is the number of exposures that will be taken for a given series.
Filter: When using a filter wheel, this defines the filter to be used for the series exposure(s). When a filter wheel is not present, this entry will not be present.
Binning: This is the binning to be used for the series exposure(s).
Exp. Time: This is the exposure time in seconds to be used for the series exposure(s).
Dark/Bias: When Bias is selected, the exposure time is ignored and set to 0 since a bias frame is a 0 exposure length dark frame.
Description: You can enter a custom description here. See the File Setting topic for additional information.