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Assess Data

Data assessment consists of measuring key light frame exposure parameters during a session.  By setting criteria here, frames failing to meet the defined criteria can be so noted in the log and optionally moved to another folder for subsequent examination.  Data assessment works with goals to insure only those light frames that meet the defined criteria count toward the goals set on the Session page.

As a minimum, the average Full Width Half Maximum (FWHM) of the frame is measured as a first order quality assessment.  This measurement requires either PinPoint or TheSkyX be available and used for Plate Solving.  Basic functionality requires CCDInspector 2.5.3 or later. With CCDInspector 3.0, additional measurements of Aspect Ratio, a measure of tracking and/or guiding, and Background, to measure the level of sky glow, can also be measured,
  • Enable Data Assessment: When checked, data assessment will be performed either during a session or via the Assess Data button on the Options Page.
  • Use CCDInspector: When checked, CCDInspector will be used to assess the light frames
  • Max. FHWM: When a suitable value is entered, all light frames whose average FWHM exceeds the entered value will be noted as having failed.
  • Max. Aspect Ratio (CCDInspector only): When a suitable value is entered, all light frames whose average Aspect Ratio exceeds the entered value will be noted as having failed.
  • Max. Background(CCDInspector only): When a suitable value is entered, all light frames whose average Background exceeds the entered value will be noted as having failed.

    In order to pass CCDInspector's screening, all three measurements must be below their corresponding values.  If it is desired to not consider one parameter, Background for example, simply set the value high.

    Frames that are noted as failed will not be considered against the goal.  There is an additional option:
  • Move Failing Data to: When checked, failing frames will be moved to the folder specified.  Use the button to specify the folder to which the failing data will be moved.  If the path is blank, the failing data will be moved to a \Failed|\ folder off the Base folder.  Assume the Base Folder is C:\Astro and all other Folders on the File Setting tab are blank.  Then the failed folder will be C:\Astro\20110228\Data\Failed\ Of course this folder location can be customized as well.
  • Insert WCS into Light Frames: When checked, WCS data will be written to the FITS header as well.  This option is available only when TheSkyX or PinPoint is selected for plate solving.  Note that this will require additional time during a session as a plate solve will have to be made for each data frame and then added to the FITS data.  For other than scientific purposes, this is best left unchecked.