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Loop Session: When checked, CCDAutoPilot will run continuously. It will start at the Begin Session Time you specify, run through all the session phases of calibration frames before light frames, light frames, calibration frames after light frames and handle any dome/roof openings, cooler warm-up's that you specify. If adverse weather conditions occur, the session will conclude for that evening, and be ready to start the next night. See the warning about weather conditions. See the Enhanced Automation topic for suggested usage.
Auto Date Correct: When checked, the target starting date of all active targets is adjusted to the current date if the original date is in the past. Future dates are not affected. The starting time is unchanged. If your session has more than one target and extends past midnight, do not check Auto Date Correct. See the Enhanced Automation topic for suggested usage.
Run First: When checked, CCDAutoPilot will run whatever application is entered at this point in the session. To enter an application, hit the to navigate to the specific application to be run. If the application requires any arguments to follow the application, enter them manually in the arg space. To clear an entry, simply hit Cancel after hitting . Timeout sets how long to wait for a called application to return control to CCDAutoPilot. This can be set if the called application takes an inordinate time to complete. Entering 0 means CCDAutoPilot will wait forever for the application to complete.
Begin Session: The session can begin at as specific time and date or at a time relative to sunset. The advantage of the latter is you don't have to worry about changing the start time from day to day. By selecting the appropriate radio button, Minutes or Degrees, you can select the session start relative to sunset either in terms of minutes before or after sunset or degrees of sun altitude above (+) or below (-) the horizon. The latter may be useful at exteme northern and southern latitudes. However, if starting at a specific time and date is needed, the option is available. If you use a specific time and date, don't forget to set the date as needed by using the calendar pulldown.
Open Dome: Check this to open the dome.
Abort Session on Open Failure: If checked, the session will be aborted if the dome fails to open within the specified time. Set a non-zero value for Shutter Timeout.
Run 0: When checked, CCDAutoPilot will run whatever application is entered at this point in the session. To enter an application, hit the to navigate to the specific application to be run. If the application requires any arguments to follow the application, enter them manually in the arg space. To clear an entry, simply hit Cancel after hitting .
Find Home: Check to send the mount to its home position. This requires hardware and driver support for your mount. All Software Bisque mounts support this options. Other ASCOM mouns may as well. Check mount/driver documentation.
Cooler Start Delay: Check if you want the dome to be open a while before having the cooler start. In some situations, this can relieve any heat trapped in the dome during the day and allow the cooler to reach a lower temperature. Set the delay time you wish.
Set Imager Cooler: When checked, this sets the imager cooler to the specified temperature.
Set Guider Cooler: When checked, this sets to guider cooler to the specified temperature.
Wait for coolers: When checked, this waits the specified time before continuing to allow the coolers to reach their specified temperatures. CCDAutoPilot will wait for the cooler(s) to reach their desired temperature for the specified time. If the time is elapsed and the coolers haven't reached their specified temperatures, the session will continue.
Run 1: When checked, CCDAutoPilot will run whatever application is entered at this point in the session. To enter an application, hit the to navigate to the specific application to be run. If the application requires any arguments to follow the application, enter them manually in the arg space. To clear an entry, simply hit Cancel after hitting . Timeout sets how long to wait for a called application to return control to CCDAutoPilot. This can be set if the called application takes an inordinate time to complete. Entering 0 means CCDAutoPilot will wait forever for the application to complete.