Autofocus support for 2 cameras, 2 focusers, across 2 imaging platforms. You can toggle between each system configuration with a push of a button or via a script and autofocus hands-off.
Custom settings for Single-Star and on-field Multi-Star focus algorithm to optimize of your autofocus configuration.
Focus Convergence adapts to varying seeing conditions to provide the best possible focus to place your optical system in the “Critical Focus Zone”
AcquireStar to automatically find and acquire a suitable focus stars using PinPoint or TheSky Image Link technologies for each filter at the push of a button or via script.
Graphics and statistical tools are provided to:
- View in Vcurve details
- Quickly assess the quality of Vcurve data
- Display autofocus progress
- Analyze temperature compensation data for focusers with temperature sensors
FocusMax V5 provides an extensive COM interface to allow host applications such as CCDAutoPliot, ACP/ACP Expert, Nebulosity 4 and other automation programs to set autofocus parameters and initiate automated autofocus runs
Custom scripts may be created by the user to accomplish specific goals which can be loaded on the System window and run
First Light Wizard to quickly run Vcurves that characterizes your optical system for autofocus
AcquireStar Wizard to determine the optimum autofocus star magnitude for any filter
Filter Offset Wizard to determine the difference in steps between a target and reference filter
Temperature Compensation Wizard to collect data to determine your temperature coefficient which may allow you to extend the time between autofocus runs
Jog functions are available to eliminate hand controller:
- Focuser Jog window to move the focuser in/out or to move to a specific location
- Telescope jog control is available to aid in centering a star.
Other FocusMax features:
- Define focus exposures for each filter.
- Focuser position and temperature are continuously updated in real time
- Save Vcurve and autofocus images during the night for future review
- Integrated telescope position monitoring in Ra, Dec, Local Sideral Time, Hour Angle, Azimuth and Altitude
- Log window to display focuser temperature and position during the observing session
- Change font and font size which is useful for laptop users
- Enable temperature compensation for focuser with temperature sensors
- Customize the interface with different style buttons and colors.