"I have been using CCDNavigator since Version 1 and this new Version 3 gives me more flexibility than ever before. The setup is easier and the user interface is simple to use. Getting the field of view from TheSky software is just a few clicks and the Preview shows you how the object will appear in your field of view. I use CCDNavigator during my all night programs at Kitt Peak helping my guests select the objects they want with rich color and detail. For my own projects, I love the Favorites area where I can store targets for future imaging sessions of the Sharpless Catalog."
Dean Salman
Tucson, AZ
"CCDNavigator3 is an absolute gem exceeding all my expectations and importantly is fun and easy to use. The new and improved functionalities make it possible to plan and execute future imaging sessions with little or no stress. The information now presented removes much of the guesswork when contemplating, planning and executing an imaging run.
It will undoubtedly become a valuable and indispensable imaging tool for many Astro-photographers."
Richard Higby
"I've been a user and fan of CCDNavigator since its version 1 release and in those days, my understanding of the myriad of details important to capturing images was both overwhelming and frankly over my head. That's why I came to rely on CCDNavigator3 to help chart a course though my imaging evenings. With the release of CCDNavigator3, I'm not just charting a plan for an evening but I'm now planning my ENTIRE year of imaging! With hundreds and thousands of possible targets, it is easily overwhelming and just plain difficult to visualize how a target will actually appear using my telescope and camera, but no longer! In CCDNavigator3, I now have a large (full screen even) list of candidates for my location with adjustable and much larger thumbnails of these targets to pique my interest. As I thumb through this HUGE array of targets, I can click on any one of them and add them to my list of favorites for future imaging. But wait, it gets more interesting. I not only can frame the target on my CCD the way I want (including rotation since I have a rotator), but I can take a simulated image using the DSS library built from Palomar All Sky survey and this shows me exactly how the image will appear on my CCD. But wait, it gets MUCH more interesting! Now I can establish my targeting plan with GOALS that include what filters I want to shoot and how many exposures (or how much exposure time) I want. With these goals established for all of my targets, regardless of the time of year in which they are available, CCDNavigator3 presents me a list of any of my favorites that are available tonight. It not only adds the targets to the plan but it orders them and figures out the filter sequencing to optimize my imaging production while ensuring I'm imaging smartly with regard to color extinction and because I also use CCDAutoPilot5 Professional, I can import this session plan into it and completely automate my multi-target session plan. But wait, it gets EVEN better! After my imaging plan is complete, the next morning CCDNavigator3 imports the CCDAutoPilot5 log and determines how many images were taken AND how many of those passed the quality tests that CCDAutoPilot5 performs. It then updates my GOALS for these targets to show my progress towards achieving my imaging objectives. Now that CCDNavigator3 knows my progress, the next time I add one of these targets to my session plan; it only tries to add the number of additional images I need to achieve my goals so I don't waste precious night sky by over-imaging a target. Once I've gotten through all of my planned exposures, CCDNavigator3 denotes that I've fully imaged this target so I won't waste time re-imaging something I've already accomplished, even if it takes me years to achieve my imaging objectives. Yes, I know I can keep logs and review them manually, but now I don't need to. CCDNavigator3 helps me to choose targets that will look good with my equipment. It then helps me to create a session plan, optimized for greatest productivity and makes this plan available to CCDAutoPilot5 to get it done and then track my progress to complete my goals. Even if this takes multiple imaging seasons, no worries as CCDNavigator3 tracks and manages my targets for me. CCDNavigator3 is a quantum change in target planning and data acquisition management!"
Jonathan Burnett